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1997-11-18 Trip to Freemantle (by train)

the beach at Freemantle Retourner à Fremantle pour aller à Rottnest Island, louper bateau, alors lunch sur la terrasse du départ bateau. Shopping pour nourriture et retour en train. Erik fait ses téléphones et la lessive. Le jour dávant, on a mangé dans un pub des nacchos et une César Salade avec des anchois dedans, beurk. Retour par la côte en vélo, stop à la plage de North Frematle. Perdu Pin's offert par Carole dans les rochers.

Erik with a Lister diesel engine at the Energy Museum in Freemantle Started solar enquiries yesterday at Energy Museum in Freemantle. Had ch. take pictures of 45Kw + 110Kw steam engies (for compressing gas) and a green 1960 Lister diesel generator set. David Wells might be interested in it. General conclusions steam engines HEAVY. Asked about solar thermal research in W.A. and education officier gave me addresses. Called addresses today and result seems that there is no active research in W.A. on concentrated Solar thermal. They did mention Kaneff. Went to library and found a 1984 report by W.A. Energy Commission mixing further thermal research since it was to complicated for remote places in outback. Might see them downtown and visit Murdoch U. on Friday. Perth has a nice library with free Internet terminals, but no access to telnet or email. Energy Museum had a 40 cm Pelton wheel demonstration.

on top of a jeep in the desert a Bob-Tailed Skink (lizard) menacing our driver wide view of the Pinnacles
Erik and a pinnacle Christiane fantasising about pinnacles beach north of Perth emus north of Perth
Erik sand-sledding Christiane sand-sledding (start) Christiane falls on her ass Christiane walking back up the dune
(Writing this entry while on the way to the Wave Rock.)

Yesterday (1997-11-18), went to Pinnacles. Less impressive in reality than brochure Tour, ok. Went sand-sledding, je me suis fait mal au cul après le saut de la fin de la glissade.. Lunch terrible. Place called Ceramites, Wild Flower Store. Rice, pasta and potato salad, lunch meat, dry cakes for $7! No competition = good place for a hotdog stand. Saw ~15 kangaroos and a bobtailed skink (lizard). Met David from San Fransisco. Mechanical engineer doing 4 months in Sydney setting up Internet sites. He mentioned pool hall on James Street as a place to get email. He made the remark that W.A. looks a lot like California. True.

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