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1997-11-23 Rockingham -> Mandurah, 45km, 19km/h

the water around Penguin Island birds on a rock on Penguin Island wide view of a beach covered with seals
seal in the water close-up of seals on the beach wide view of beach on Penguin Island flowers with cactus-like leaves
Paid $17 each to visit Seal and Penguin islands. Saw a colony of 20 male sea-lions. Very lazy. Lots of photos. Went to Penguin. Too bad that glass-bottom of the boat didn't show much more that sea-weed.

a tern (?) tern frightened into flight another beach on Penguin Island
Walked around the island (it is small). Saw terns and lots of dead sea-gulls. Sat on the beach and watched the Indian Ocean. Nice.

Little Penguins penguin swimming with a fish in its mouth Saw feeding of 6 captive LITTLE penguins. Took pictures for my webpage. Could easily walk back to the mainland on the sand bar, but took the boat. Ate a "penguin burger"and steak sandwich at the tourist center resto.

Rode a new bike trail along the coast through new howsing development (Port Kennedy). Just like 1955-1970 California housing developments (reminded me of "Bachelor in Paradise" with Bob Hope) except more variety and in brick. Howsing prices are $80,000 to $150,000 on average. Rode by nude beach marked with a "Free beach"sign, but didn't try it.

Erik dismounting a flat tire at Mandurah Erik changing an inner tube at Mandurah Mandurah is nice and quiet. The rear tire of Ch.'s bicyle went flat while I was looking at the map in front of a bar/hotel. No adjustable wrench! Fuck! Had to stay at the hotel ($70/night double, but nice and great view of the water). Borrowed a wrench and changed the inner tube. Tiny hole and I would expect only a slow leak. Bizarre. Was it caused by the spiked seed balls that Ch. pulled off her front tire in the park? Just like that other guy who wrote a web site? ATe supper in a Greek take-out. Souvalaki (pork) and Yiros (lamb). Saw "Junior" on T.V. with Arnold Schwarznegger. Not bad.

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