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1997-11-26 Bunbury -> Busselton, 75km, 20km/h

Cheese, crackers and jam for breakfast. Bought long pants for me ($50) and hole-filler product for bicycles. Couldn't find air horns, but was told that they cost about $40, so forget it. Counted 200 more cars who passed us on the highway and #198 beeped at us (I assume an insult.) One in 200 seems to be the fraction of asshols. Ever since Perth, we have seen lots of exploded tires on or beside the road and lots of roadkill, mostly kangaroos, rabbits, and birds. Some lizards and the occassional emu. Ho humans (yet).

Erik and his bike after 400km Passed 400km total and took a photo. We are getting sore crotches after about 30km, but a bicycle tour map says that a typical one day tour is between 50 and 70 km. WE HAVE SEEN NO OTHER BICYCLE TOURISTS YET. Apparently the ozzy road system is completely supported by taxes on fuel, so maybe the drivers are pissed-off that we are getting a free ride on their road. I still think that they are assholes. Still drivers on the backroads wave to us, usually because I wave first. We were tired when we arrived in Busselton and it looked like rain tonight or tommorrow morning, so we chickend-out and decided to look for a hostel. The strip of motels on the highway looked too noisy so e blew $50 on a motel in a quiet area. Manager was willing to bargain for a $80( -> $70) villa, but we were too fast in accepting the room. Supper of pizza (takeout) and cider. Watching T.V., but no Simpsons. T.V. talkinga bout changing Oz to a republic.

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