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1997-11-29 Margret River -> Karri Valley Resort, 130 km, 21km/h (most we ever did in one day)

Christiane on the gravel road after Margret River Christiane at Alexandra Bridge Started at about 10h30, coffee in M.R. Nice flat countryside, almost all drivers wave, (taking backroads, of course). Pass a couple of vineyards, mostly flat, no grapes yet. Started to get hills after about 40km. First stretch of gravel road about 4.5km long. Not too bad, but a bit bumpy sometimes, due to rain erosion. Stopped for a photo on the road. Stopped for lunch of crackers at Alexandra Bridge camp ground. This was NOT a town. In fact, there was a small general store where we bought some chocolate and granola bars and some orange jice and then NOTHING for the next 90km!

a Bob-Tailed Skink (lizard) some vineyards Flat for a long while on the Cockburn highway (good name) and then hills for the next 40km on Stewart Rd until the resort. We passed 500km, 600km, and our old long distance record, but we were damn tired. Stopped for a break at the Donnelly vineyards, but the wine store was closed. We say 3 squashed snakes on Stewart Rd. Saw some freshly squashed kangaroos that smell like shit. Ch. saw salamanders (?) on the road and some lizards like skinks, but with long tails.

We are hearing an animal that sounds like a monkey in the karri forests, but we haven't seen it yet. Saw one live kang. by the road and three at our campsite after 20h00. They like to eat grass under the street lamps. This resort is expensive, but they claimed that every room was booked. Camp site was mostly deserted and we set up between a couple of beers. Watched the stars untill 20h30 and walked to dinner at the resort's clip joint. $57 for kangaroo satay and leek soup entrées and pumpkin gnocchi and a demi-bottle of Hardy's champagne from S.A. followed by two hot chocolates (with very little chocolate in them). Nice view of artificial lake. Tired as hell, we went to sleep. Cold.

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