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1997-12-12 Bremer Bay, second dive

C. picked us up at 8h00, saying swell gone. OK for me. More surf on the beach this time. Work with compasses and showed us purpose of bezel. Plenty of colorful sponges and still a lot of surge. Trick is to anchour oneself when surge is against you and drift when it is going in the correct direction. On second dive, Ch. had a problem with her ear and we had to go up after "only" 45 minutes. Saw a cat shark, blow-fish, and a big grey fish. Chatted with C. some more about local economics and politics and said good-bye. He have me email address of his sone, Beau Lebens (, possibly Told him that I would email him address of website. (Two years later...) Went shopping for food for bike trip, supper at the pub.

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