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1997-12-15 Ravensthorpe -> Esperance (by bus)

Went simming at the community pool in the afternoon while wating for the bus. They have a stupid system where only residents can buy keys, but we were let in anyway for $2 each. Telecenter closed for few weeks. Bus cost total was $52 including $8 each for the bikes. Bus over-crowded due to Xmas rush and I sat on the step for an hour and chatted occassionally with the driver. Perspective from bus: not much different than bicycle: it just goes by faster. When we reassembled bikes in E., found that front breaks of Ch.'s bike were rubbing. To fix. Settled into 6 person dorm of Esperance Backpackers'. One of our roommates was a French girl named Maggie. She was travelling in Oz after breaking up with her Oz boyfriend in Darwin. Fun to talk French again. Kitchen small so we went to Chinese resto and had a big feed and took rest home in doggie bags. Hermann (the German bicyclist from Pemberton) is at this hostel!

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