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1997-12-24 Glenelg, Supper at Mexican Resto with Dirk + Jill

1 hour on the beach in front of the backpackers'. Hot and sandy. Sand cleaned by a tractor. Moved from ballroom to a double with its own balcony (lots of bird shit, and facing the back, but our own balcony!). Back to the beach, swam finally. Water ab it dirty with sand and bits of seaweed, kind of green like in Vancouver. Moved to grass so we didn't get messed up. I like grass beaches better than sand, I think. Re-met the swiss-german girls for Experance. They were doing a party all together, but we didn't push too hard to get invited. Love in the afternoon, followed by shopping for the next few days. Saw Jill alone on the grass and invited her to join us for supper. (British policewoman.) We decided on Mexican place so that Dirk could finally try nachos. In total we shared 2 mararitas and 2.5l of sangria plus nachos (only fair), potato skins, cheese/salsa, guacamole and tones of chips. Jill sead that she didn't taste alcohol in sangria and therefore liked it. Dirk thought nachos were OK.

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