Figure 1.

Figure 1.

My goodness, you certainly are adventurous!

If you are aware of this text, it might mean one of the following things:

  1. You have printed this page to show to your boss or collegues. (1 Bonus Point.)
  2. You are not allowing me to set your text and background colors. (1 Bonus Point.)
  3. You are using a funky old-time browser like Lynx or Emacs W3. (5 Bonus Points.)
  4. You are reading the source of this page. (10 Bonus Points!)

In all cases, I'm impressed by your style.

Really, I am.


Erik Rossen <>
OpenPGP key: 2935D0B9
Tel: +41 78 617 72 83
Home URL:

Copyright © 2000 until the heat-death of the Universe (thanks, Mickey!), by Erik Rossen
Last modified: 2016-02-07T12:43:39+0100